It’s an honor to be a proud sponsor of this event!

> Dear Mr. and Mrs. Shelton-


> As president of my nursing cohort, I have been tasked with the

> development and execution of a 5K run, benefitting our graduation

> ceremony as well as the American Heart Association. I am reaching out

> to community leaders in San Antonio and asking for sponsorship of our

> event. Please review the letter, flyer, and packages attached. Should

you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your heartfelt consideration!

When asked to step up as a community leader and sponsor our local American Heart Association 5K run, Mr. & Mrs. Shelton owners of C.F.I. Delivery was there and said yes!

IMG_0678 LR 2K17 Class Photo LR AHA Donation

UPS recently announced a 4.9% rate increase for 2017 and now FedEx plans to raise rates by 3.9% starting in January. Rates for FedEx Ground and Home Delivery will increase by 4.9%.

An excerpt from Investopedia’s coverage on the rate increase says:

“Oil falls and shipping rates rise. Unfortunately this is the reality we live in, where both Fedex Corp (FDX) and United Parcel Service Inc (UPS) charging more for delivery in a period of low gas prices. Fedex announced their rate increases yesterday after market close; UPS announced rate increases earlier this month. The increases, which were expected, will take effect in January 2017.”

“Fortune reports that the price of shipping packages has grown by 79.2% for ground deliveries and 95.5% for air deliveries this past decade. With e-commerce sales growing each year and expected to account for almost 13% of all retail sales by 2019, the rise in shipping costs should have consumers worried.”

Look who is at helm of the Spur’s, Rampage and Silver Stars 2015 Fiesta Day Parade Float! None other our very own Cleveland McKinney. Great job Cleveland! Go Spurs Go!

Parade 2015

Rick Shelton and Gary Daily’s recent trip to Orlando, Florida to the AIRCARGO 2014 was a success and very informative on industry content. Leaders in our industry were there with a wealth of information and knowledge on cargo by land, air or sea. CFI Delivery is a member of the AFA and the membership provides our business with access to top-quality training programs, up to date information about new regulations affecting the industry and news you can use to stay ahead of your competitors. See for yourself here.


January 18, 2014 CFI Delivery will be moving to 711 Navarro Street #410, San Antonio, Texas 78205.

CFI Delivery can now take the hassle out of efiling. We can provide you with service to any court house in the state that has been provisioned to accept efilings. Just scan and email and we will do the rest.

CFI’s process adheres to state and federal security regulations and meets Payment Card Industry Security Standards to protect filer and transaction information.

Starting July 1, 2013 CFI Delivery is pleased to announce that we teaming up with CXT Software to improve our dispatching system. We will have a short down time on the web order entry while we get the site moved. Thank you for your patience in advance.

Our staff!

“Driver Appreciation Day”

BBQ Served by the staff of CFI

Gifts were given to the drivers provided by our generous clients.

Left to right Cleveland, Gary, Rick, Marva, Kurt, Colleen and Gary Lewter. Where’s Erik? It was his B-Day and had other plans, we missed him too.

Why We’re the Best Choice:

1.Our customer service. We only hire people that prove they’re polite 100% of the time and who can quickly take your order with tremendous competence.

2. We route our courier deliveries. This can save lots of money!Especially if you do a high volume of courier service.

3. Latest technology available. We verbally communicate and send entire text messages for every delivery. We also use GPS technology and computers that help us dipatch each messenger more efficiently.

4. Web order entry. Our online order entry is the most user friendly software available and can automatically print out a delivery slip.

5. We accept all major credit cards. You can pay your invoices by calling us at 210-228-9772 or we can schedule your payments automatically.

Code of Ethics:

In recognition of our clientele, we agree to work toward common goals in the conduct of our business as well as to support their business and ethical guidelines. Recognizing that our actions, in tandem with those of our fellow companies, will reflect on CFI and our industry, we agree to:

1. To maintain within our company a high value on integrity and honesty in all relations with our customers and the public; to express clearly and concisely the terms of our agreements with customers; to utilize sufficient security for all shipments; to provide prompt follow-up regarding all customer inquiries, to fulfill our commitments in good faith; to endeavor to maintain a high standard of performance.

2. To treat other companies with professional respect; to honor all alid and lawful contracts with others.

3. To promote and assist Bexar County’s development.

4. To help raise the professional image of messengers, couriers, and the companies with which they are associated.

5. To maintain the confidentiality of any propriety information we may receive or learn; not to misappropriate propriety information or goodwill.

6. To promote learning, business and networking opportunities of ourselves, as well as for others.

7. To continuously educate and encourage our employees to upgrade their skills, abilities, professionalism and technical competency.

8. To develop understandable job descriptions and standard operating procedures so that each employee can understand what is expected in the course of his or her work.

9. To adhere to all federal, state and local laws affecting our business operations.

10. To comply with all federal, state and local practices.

For additional information on any our services please e-mail us at [email protected].